Jumat, 30 Juli 2010

grade 9!

hello bloggie skrg gue kls 9 loh #teruskenapa tepatnya 92 loh ihihhi tau dong taukan bekas kls siapa ehehehe aw aw aw jadi maloee..................trs sekelas sama belinda,astrid,destri marisa gtgt yg cewek kalo cowok eldi hahaha tp sedih nih pisah sama chairmateku tercayaang pas di 86 huhuhu haura di 94 AAAAA mau disana jg tp udh telat kirk krikkkk -_- oke skip skip,dan skrg chairmate gue gak enak bgt sumpah anak baru gitukan mau ganti chairmate tp siapa udh ada semua huhu enakan chairmate kls 8 deh hehehe

udh ya segituww byeee

Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

haloha bloggeh...................

maaf gak jelas haha lagi stres nih gak ada pulsa bboff pula ..........

Senin, 05 Juli 2010

really disappointed -__-

hallo bloggeeh langsung skip yayay sama yg mau gue posting ini jadi ceritanya gini gue baca koran kan td eh taunyaa pas liat berita tentang bola gitu yg paling bawah ditulisnya gini RONALDO PUNYA BAYI haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah gue kagetkan yaa tp katanya itu ditulis ditwitter dia akhirnya gue buka twitter dan gue liat acc suamiku itukan haha -_- ternyata emang ada dibilang gini :

It is with great joy and emotion that I inform I have recently become father to a baby boy. As agreed with the baby's mother, who prefers to have her identity kept confidential, my son will be under my exclusive guardianship. No further information will be provided on this subject and I request everyone to fully respect my right to privacy (and that of the child) at least on issues as personal as these are.

pas liat itu gue langsung bener2 kagetka yaa(oke lebe tp emg iya) tapi sekedar info aja yg dia maksud itu adlh gue kok hoho gakdeng canda haha tapi iya emang gue kok ha ha ha -_____-
udh deh ah stop mulai gakpenting bgt gue oke.......

see you xoxo :*

Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010

about my superclass,ill miss you ~

1.Adining Siti Latifah Pertiwi(baik tp rada judes jg he)
2.Aisha Fadila A.S (baik tp tp ya gitu )
3.Aldi Tri .P. (banci ngeselin pula)
4.Alfathan Z.B. (pendek hehe)
5.Annisa Bella.C. (lebe sok cantik haha)
6.Aziz Maulana (monyong haha)
7.Biaji Kuncoro (bacotbet ngeselinbet)
8.Eka Agustina.S.(pinter tp rada jawa hehe)
9.Eko N. (ngeselin sama sok hih)
10.Ernes Sophia (ngeselin sama sok hehe tp cantik)
11.Filadelfia L. (pendiem ih)
12.Gracea (ngeselin bacotbet)
13.Gusti Anjas P (lucu haha)
14.Hasaran (bengong mulu ih emosi haha)
15.Haura Khansa (my chairmate♥ rada lebe tp dia)
16.Indra P (bacnci wkwk gakdeng lucu kok)
17.Irmawati (sabar abis hoho)
18.Julio Iman .A. (baik kok sering main yaa)
19.Lericha Marianty S (lucu hoho)
20.M.Ariq (gaktau deh jarang main sih hehe)
21.M.Ziaruhman (jago gambar haha)
22.M.Nurhidayatuloh (pelawak 8-6 deh toooop)
23.M.Eka D. (lucu tp ngeselin )
24.M.Reza (serem tp bisa ngelucu loh(?))
25.M.Rivaldo . (jarang main sama gue haha jd gaktau)
26.Nicko R. (PINTER tapi blagu haha sombong pula)
27.Okky Hutomo (beler haha)
28.Rani Ramadhani (temen seperjuangan nyontek haha)
29.Rosyifa Ulya M. (cantik tp rada oon trs lebe hahaha)
30.Ria Hartanti .s (bacotnyaa heboh)
32.Ridwan R (baikkk )
33.Rio Risky K (blagu tp kocak haha)
34.Salha (arabkuuu hoho )
35.Siti Sarah F.N (pinter tp nyolot)
36.Suryadi J.S (suaranya cempreng gitu)
37.Wiji Romanti (apa yaa medok kali ya haha)
38.Yuda Kurnia (item,ngeselin tp kocak juga hahaha)

sekian yaa pendapat gue buat kalian semua yg jelas di 86 seru sekali sering bercanda mulu dihukum barenglah unyuuuu :3